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Fellow Americans, How Can We Make a Difference?
Unite with the World

Maybe, finally, we Americans will quit being complacent. As a nation we became actively more understanding only when the reality of terrorism struck us at home. Shame on us! I blame all of us individually, who have failed to actively respond to the long term suffering of so many in the world that live under oppression and the daily threat of terrorism and terrorists. We could have long ago demanded that our nation become dedicated and take a committed role in eradicating terrorism. Our elected officials need our voice in order to understand what they must do. Please, let us realize that the promotion of hate, under any guise, religious or otherwise, is a danger to everyone, everywhere.
What can we do? We can call, write, fax or email our political leaders and let them know what action we want them to take on our behalf. Please, don’t be complacent, be in touch with your local, state and federal politicians and let them know how you feel. A clear, concise, quick reading message from YOU to our leaders will help ensure that we, the people, are heard and that our wishes are carried out. Why not take a few minutes and write to your elected officials? It is the sum of the singular voices that will make this choir, which must be heard. This link will take you to your politicians email quickly. Do it now, or for so many, later won’t come.
Email State and Federal Leaders
Richard E. Buckley, MD
Pocono Medical Care, Inc.
Pennsylvania, USA